Wednesday, April 29, 2009


And what a week it was. My oldest friend since childhood, whom I had not seen in 25 years paid a visit I will write about it in a future blog. A new family member came into the world the same day a member of the same family passed away. A life was saved and one was cut short and a birthday came and went(actually two if you think about it). I was working my last shift at Emma Wood and was 1st on the scene at 5pm April 28th when a 17 year old girl was struck by a train and killed 25 yards from where I check campers into Emma Wood State Beach. The 1st photo is the kiosk I speak of.

some perfect days at Emma Wood

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Welcome Brianna

We had a busy week. I was in Houston and witnessed the birth of my latest niece, Brianna Rose who weighed less than 6 lbs. She's beautiful and doing great although we had a big scare when the doctor called last Friday at 4pm with very bad results of the baby's blood tests. Her exact words, "take her to the emergency room at TX Children's hospital NOW". My sister and her husband packed up their bags and rushed out the door with 3-day old Brianna while I stayed behind to pick up the two older kids at school. Halfway there (in Houston rush hour traffic) the doctor's office called to say they had made a mistake and had mixed up Brianna's results with another babys that had been in just before her. You can only imagine the roller coaster ride we went through and how grateful we were to hear the good news. And here's a salute to all parents. I got a taste of it last week, taking care of the two older girls - Victoria 9 and Isabella 4. It's a lot of work! But it was so much fun to see them, spoil them and play "nanny" for a week. I also got to see my other niece Aerianna who's almost 8 (see pic). One of the other hi-lights was watching Victoria at her gymnastics competition where she aced it (see pic).

Meanwhile Spike was in Ventura working and taking care of the animals. He too had an exciting week. At the same time that my sister, Sandra was going into labor he was saving a surfer's life. While at work a surfer walked up to the kiosk with a severed artery on the top of his foot. The surfboard fin had sliced it open. All I can say is thank goodness Spike was there. He immediately tied a tourniquet with the surfboard leash, called for help then applied pressure to the wound meanwhile dealing with all the cars and RV's coming in. I'm so proud of how he handled it.

And best of all he got to see one of his oldest and best friends which he hasn't seen in over 20 years - Wayne Faulkner who lives in Port Angeles, WA. He said they just talked for hours and caught up on all their great memories. I'm sure Spike/Robbie will fill you in on it and include a picture in his next post.

And now, we're off to Big Sur. Today is Spike's last day of work here AND it also happens to be his birthday. Happy Birthday my love!


Saturday, April 18, 2009



Looks like this is the last blog for 8 days. Patty is headed for Houston to be with her sister Sandra and help with her 2 kids (hEllO eZABeLLa..Hi viCtOriA) with #3 ready to drop anyday now.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Dewey Weber and a really p_____off cat

Look what Nancy and Patty found at a garage sale in Santa Barbara! It's a copy of my second board I used when I was 11 years old. A 9ft Dewey Weber, 1 inch balsa stringer with orange/red pigment. Same rising sun redwood and pine skeg.

While I was home babysitting Rico and Nugget.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Rico's Report

EMMA WOOD was a playground for water enthusiasts on Monday. The little semi bay was going off all at once with longboarder Waikiki style peaks a couple feet overhead and Indo style barrels for the rippers. Boogy boarding looked like you were back in PR.

There was something for everyone yesterday. Big overhead easy peaks on the north side. Right barrels in the middle and goofy foot head high heaven on the south side.

Monday, April 13, 2009


Maybe you recall a blog in which I wrote about a surfer who paddles out everyday, in the dead of winter (last January), without a wetsuit..and....she is the only female regular at Emma Wood..and..she shreads waves. Her family and friends had a Easter Sunday day at the beach/ slash picnic/ slash surfathon yesterday. She (Elizabeth) and her buddies not only rip waves but make KiLLeR cUPcAkES. As I was getting off work the rippers brought Patty and I a special Easter Gift. The 1st picture is proof it made it home intact. It was one of those times where "YA HAD TO BE THERE" as they walked up the parking lot with a plate of sweet goodies which Patty and i enjoyed so much last night as we stuffed 'em down after dinner

Sunday, April 12, 2009


hAVe A gOOd oNe
by FC DESIGNS. Check it out at

nOT a bAD wAy tO SpeNd thE DaY

Some nice fast longboardable peaks at Emma Wood Saturday.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Let's start with yesterday (Monday) which turned out mighty fine in the weather and wave department. Keep in mind the reef at Emma Wood won't break unless it's 6ft. and is 300 yards from the beach. No one out and perfect for the 4 hour shift I put in at the kiosk. It's my favorite California wave.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

What we've been up to lately

We've upgraded our

in Key Largo

to this:

Just kidding. This is Nancy's house in Camarillo. Great house up on the hill with spectacular views. Great being up in the mountains. Her house has a lot of character furnished with many antiques.

Went garage saling with another camp host and her friends in Santa Barbara and Montecito. Boy, these ladies are professional garage-salers. They get the paper the night before and map it all out. They go every weekend. We went to some high-end houses (one was four houses down from Oprah's) and got some great deals. The Ojai bike ride was amazing. One of the best bike paths out there. We love our bikes - Townies. We ride them around everywhere and we really don't miss our car. But this town is very bike-friendly so that helps.
Last Sunday my computer wireless device broke and it took 3 days to get it fixed. I had to take the bus w/my laptop to the Verizon store. Then went to the library to do my work on their computers.. And of course, I received several leads during this time. A little stressful but I got my work done.

We're leaning towards Big Sur this summer but we also got a call for a state park in Mendocino county (Katie - it's 5 miles no. of Pt. Arena). We also heard of a private RV park in Jackson Hole, WY that pays you to work there. Not just an exchange for free stay like we've been doing. So we're looking into that too.
Happy Birthday to my niece, brother and two cousins who all have a birthday today!


The pic of the wave was taken a couple days ago at Emma Wood.

Yesterday (FRIDAY..TGIF..FYI) was FUNDAY. Walked the beach, took notes on how to set your gear for kit surfing, went to town to catch a movie..crashed an art gallery opening and grinded on the best fish taco's this side of Big Island Burrito in Indialantic. Downtown Ventura gets more interesting with each visit.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


I always tear off a half dozen links of T.P to open /raise the seat when using a public bathroom...which is what I did on this occasion. To my pleasent surprise the ingenous owner of this new establishment wanted to save a tree and some cash with a putty knife. It's been a rollacoaster week with spring break kicking in a week ago, a broken air card disabling the computers broadband and back to back swells. I didn't take my camera to work this past week but I sure wish I had. Last Sunday was head to 3 ft over and glass. On Monday it was down to 6ft. on the outter reef at Emma Wood. This is the only pic I took. I was in the water ASAP. Patty and I had a wonderful evening with our dear friend Nancy Sunfield. I know Patty will want to write something about it in a seperate blog and post the one pic I took of her home on the hillsides of Ventura County. Maybe you recall from a previous post that I went to grammer school and Venice High with Nancy.