Sunday, October 22, 2017

Rincon Surf Report – Friday, Oct 20, 2017

Thank you all for your donations and continued support! It’s been about a month and here’s where we’re at - some places have water from pumping stations running on diesel generators, there is food to buy at the grocery stores, there is gasoline with no wait, the roads have been cleared pretty well. Everyone has been working hard to clean up this town. Rincon is awesome. Still no electricity anywhere in Rincon and still only one working LTE tower that gives working data on Claro phones. Voice and text on ATT and T-Mobile seems to be improving at random and more towers are coming on by generator power. It seems rebuilding is now the next phase and that is what we will do! 

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Dr. Walter Munk

The Father of Surf Forecasting Turns 100

Dr. Walter Munk, the world's greatest living oceanographer, reaches the century mark

Surfers the world over have the world's greatest living oceanographer to thank for creating the knowledge base that surf forecasting and wave models are built upon. But not only surfers are grateful for Dr. Munk's century spent on Earth, millions across Europe are thankful they still speak their native tongue today -- his ability to forecast storms and waves allowed his successful planning and direction of Allied Forces through the D-Day invasion, leading to the liberation of Europe

Dr. Munk and the Dalai Lama

Dr. Munk with the Surfline forecast team. 

Wednesday, October 18, 2017



From a recent photo essay on SURFLINE

 Anchored here in the early seventies.  There are two deserted beaches with two entry points. One is a 3 day hike the other being by boat. Nui Pali Coast, Hawaiian Islands.

Photo: Pete Saloutos. When it comes to photography my bumper sticker says "YOU CAN'T BEAT PETE" 

Sunday, October 1, 2017


You balk at the so-called evolution of language

Like Larry in Curb, who excoriates people who say “LOL” instead of actually laughing, or find yourself enraged by the fact you can no longer merely order a coffee, but must instead ask for a “vanilla bullsh*t latte cappa-thing” in Starbucks, you’ve become an lingua-pedant of the highest degree. You still pointedly order “chips” anywhere that deigns to sell you “fries,” and correct people who say “upmost” instead of “utmost”. You also hate anyone who uses the rising inflection at the end of each sentence, or who preface every second word with “like”.