Sunday, March 28, 2010

The " PICKIN ON " CD Series

David West originated and produced the internationally successful PICKIN ON musical series. Bluegrass renditions of albums by CSN, CSNY, Eric Clapton, Pink Floyd, Johnny Cash, Greatful Dead to name a few. Two and a half million units sold worldwide. He and the CACHE VALLEY DRIFTERS were the opening act for many a concert I produced back in the day. I would go so far as to say the band was one of the original NEW GRASS groups. My definition of New Grass would be alternative bluegrass with a taste of core jazz thrown in the mix.

One room in his studio filled with precious antiques.
David is a multi instrument virtuoso.
David and I had not seen each other for 35 years. A friend, Jay Johnson ( owner of SUN SOLAR in Sanat Barbara) , was installing solar panels supplying our motor home with electricity at Emma Wood State Beach when I mentioned I owned a music venue (The BLUEBIRD CAFE) in S.B. during the 1970's. A year later (4 weeks ago) Patty and I were having dinner at Jay and Ceci's home and reunited me with David West and John Wilcox. Two old music buddy's from the Bluebird Café days.

David has about $100,000 worth of vintage instruments in his collection.

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