Saturday, June 4, 2011


This photo: Newport, Oregon, 6-2011
My old buddy Wayne Faulkner stopped by for 48 hrs. He graduated from Humbolt State in 1970. As teenagers we cruised the entire LA basin as well as the Valley. Hot spots for hot rods were A & W, The Witch Stand and Bob's Big Boy. I had a 1957 Corvette. 45 years later, Wayne gave me a model/replica (hood and trunk comes up, doors open etc.) of the 57.

The original BAD BOY the day I bought it in 1965 looking much better than it actually was. Spent the next 2 years throwing every paycheck in it I got from working at KIRK CHEVROLET in Santa Monica. Wish I had an (after) photo. The guys at Lion's Drag strip in Long Beach dubbed it "THE SQUIRREL" due to the way it side stepped from left to right when I popped the clutch when the light turned green. Sorry about you non motorheads reading this.

The reason I'm digging up the past is.. in part.. because of this bad ass. His name is Phil Lee and has a lot to do with our 45th Venice High class reunion coming at the end of June. Phil, Wayne and I surfed and cruised the Blvd. in the mid 60's prior to the revolution.
That's Phil on the right along with the future foremost photographer in a generation, Pete Saloutos. North Shore, Ohau 1967.
Yesterday I thought it was flat @ 1 to 3ft. until i saw 3 guys riding. It was shoulder to head high.
Wayne and Robbie, Port Townsend, WA. 2009
When thinking of our class reunion..this photo came to mind.

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