Saturday, July 17, 2010


Pat Lennon's mom and dad, Bill and Sis with my mom on Pat Ballinger's schooner in San Pedro harbour, 1958
Pat Lennon 2010
If you have read Dan Brown's book "THE LOST SYMBOL" then you know why I took this pic.Ventura,CA.
San Simion, CA.

Guitar practice, Santa Barbara.

Friday, July 9, 2010


Patty's cousin Monica. Our driver and guide. xxoo


Roadside fast food.

20 minutes to an hour outside the city

Saturday, July 3, 2010


Way off in the distance is downtown Medellin (center). I first learned about Medellin's rough part of town reading a cover story about it's barrio in NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC in 2004. It's a universe unto itself. Following it's own rules not unlike America's Old West, it can be violent and yet heartwarming all in one breath. The younger residents who I communicated with were trying to distance themselves from the drugs and gang wars by taking advantage of a revolutionary new way of rising above it... Literally.
After having experienced Medellin's barrio, I watch a TV special about it. I think it was Anderson Cooper going along as a drug lords side kick recording several days and nights of life in it's violent surroundings.

Notice the iron railing and window cover. It's artwork. Can't find that at LOWES.

Main Street. Most people won't walk through town in the daylight and certainly not after dark.

I met locals and with Patty translating, learned that some are trying to get an education since the new mode of transportation was constructed allowing residents to be lifted (next photo)above the gangs, drug lords and crime allowing them to get to college or jobs unharmed.

The government built a gondola to keep people from having to walk the streets for a couple reasons. It's a long hike up hill and unsafe.

Never leave home without one of these men in the Barrio.

Part Tres: The countryside surrounding Medellin.