Monday, June 29, 2009


This is the group "VAGABOND OPERA". The accordian player as well as the lady are accomplished opera vocalists and multiple instruments. The fella on the cello played it like a electric lead guitar at times...he rocked!

The female singer does opera as well as violin, saw, banjo and God knows what else I'm leaving out.

Andrew Molera Saturday..a foot or two overhead

Getting to the show was another project altogether. This is Texas on cruise control @ 83mph 12 hours a day.

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Diane, Brock and Bruce Reynolds have outdone their artistic adventures..something they seem to do on a routine basis. They are opening a showcase of solids and fluids (good food and drinks) in downtown Cocoa Beach. The guitar is from John Severson. An acoustic Fender with some of John's surf movie posters blended in. Severson filmed great 1960's surf films and founder of SURFER magizine
Surf Report for Big Sur Sat. 6-27-09
waves are 4 to 7 ft.
blue skies and 75 degrees
glassy / sea surface like oil.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Getting into a routine

Spike is in Florida taking care of the house and bringing the car back. We've been at this park for about two weeks and we're just now getting into a little routine. Rico and I are discovering new places to walk. It's a huge park.

My business is picking up (yay!) so I get up at 6am to communicate with the east coast (3 hrs ahead) and Europe (9 hrs ahead). Coffee, work, walk the dog, breakfast, work, walk the dog, lunch, go for a hike or do errands, work, nap, walk the dog, dinner, read or watch a movie, to bed. Yes, I "walk the dog" a lot because I feel bad that he's all cooped up in here. Yesterday I let him run by the river and he had a blast. He loves to drink from the river. And Nugget needs her sun so I let her out too - supervised of course.

The rangers took me and another camp host on an "orientation" this week. They took us to the lighthouse, then we drove south to another park, Julia Pfeiffer Burns and on the way down we stopped on the road and spotted four condors. They are the largest birds in North America with a 9-ft. wingspan and are considered endangered.

The camphost job is pretty easy. All we have to do is ride around in a golf cart and do camp checks twice a day. And there are 5 camp hosts here.

That's about it. No surf report. No pictures. Spike will be back soon. Gotta go feed the kiddies. Nuggie is giving me the evil eye.

Friday, June 5, 2009


Dinner aboard Indy's STEAMBOAT LANDING

Making it home among the redwoods before nightfall

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Rico getting a bath in the same stream I fill our water jugs with. WOW..a place you don't have to pull a 12 pack of water bottles off a shelf and pay for it. What will they think of next!

Monday, June 1, 2009


Well...wonders never cease! I attempted to post 4 shots and one went thru. This is in front of our new digs. Secured a ride with ranger Aaron to ride some waves with him. All the peace officers/rangers are great folks..better than great actually..They are just plain down to earth COOL!