Saturday, July 11, 2009


As a kid in the 1950's my dad took me to many old fishing villages and ports in search of old boat parts and good waves. One that stuck in my mind is Moss Landing between Carmel and Santa Cruz. It has not changed. What little changes Patty and I did find was for the better. Still a sleepy commercial fishing port with life in 2009 bypassing it out on Hwy One. We had lunch at one of the few changes. I found similarities between a place called "THE HAUTE ENCHILADA" and "CAFE SURFINESTA."
This Establishment and Cafe Surfinesta seemed related separated only by 3500 miles and theme. Cafe Surfinesta is much more..more in your face creatively as is the world of surfing whereas the restaurant in Moss Landing is laid back Mexico.

Brock inspecting The CaFe suRFiNeSTa

Patty holding her computer out of the window in hopes of getting enough bars to send a charter contract to a client. And YES..we do have an exterior booster antenna mounted on the roof.

Big Sur has not changed much since the Big Sur folk festival in the late 1960's.

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